Rhode Island

The Ocean State

WOW! Rhode Island may be the smallest state, but it is packed with huge views, ocean front mansions, and is home to some of the friendliest people. Daniel and I were nothing but impressed with this unexpected little gem. If you are familiar with the Great Gatsby, then I am sure you won’t be surprised that most of this movie was filmed in this dream land. Well, I could drool over this little paradise all day, but I will skip the cringe and get explaining our adventures. 

Our first stop in Rhode Island, was the town of Newport. It is the picture perfect town for a dreamy American port. Immediately upon entering this town you can tell it is full of wealth. There are huge mansions on every corner and expensive car cruising around every street. The Tennis Hall of Fame is located in the middle of this town and there are many courts sprinkled around the city as well. You could easily spend a whole day, walking the streets, eating at the Ma and Pop restaurants on each block, watching wedding parties waltz around, and enjoying the fancy gazebos planted everywhere. But in our personal opinion the greatest treasure of Newport is The Cliff Walk. It is a 4 mile walk along the Rhode Island shoreline. Full of rocks, interesting tunnels, places to enjoy the ocean view, stone bridges, incredible palaces, and a balance of paved sidewalks and rocky terrain, it is heaven to any adventurous soul. 

On their website, The Cliff Walk is described as a, “world famous public access walk that combines the natural beauty of the Newport shoreline with the architectural history of Newport’s gilded age. Wildflowers, birds, and geology, all add to this delightful walk.” This Natural Recreation Trail was created back in 1975. It allows people to view the historic region as well as enjoy the beauty of the New England shoreline. With the mighty waves crashing against the rocks, and viewing powerful whirlpools from the bridges, it is hard to not fell close to God. You can taste His glory in the strength of the wind, and spend the afternoon admiring His majestic artwork. If anyone wins the lottery, and would like to sponsor Daniel and I’s retirement home on this beautiful shoreline, it would be greatly appreciated!

View of the Unpaved Path

Not only will you find incredible homes sprinkled along this path, there are also unique little tunnels and beautiful stone bridges. This 4 mile hike takes you on a journey back in time, feeling like you are in the Hobbit with these moss covered tunnels. Sitting on the rocks it’s hard not to feel like the Little Mermaid with the mist of the mighty ocean blowing through your hair. With the shoreline being covered in rocks, instead of sand, there is a soothing crackling sound as the tide rushes in and out. I will attach a video at the bottom so you can get a taste for the music the ocean makes, but trust me it’s more delightful in real life! 

There were parts that were so incredibly windy you could lean forward and the wind would hold you. The wind was constant so there was barely any fear of falling. Daniel and I of course discovered if you open your jacket you can instantly transform into a flying squirrel. The wind fills you up into a little sumo wrestler costume and you very fluffy. You gotta try it!  

Squirrel Girl in all her splendor

After we finished this amazing hike, we decided to take a stroll up on the street filled with mansions. These old homes are guarded by huge iron gates and often times beautiful sculptures. As we were walking we discovered it was also very windy up on the main road. The trees had huge trunks and creeked with the wind and age. One tree in particular made an extra loud groan, and we became concerned. Daniel said, “That tree is about to blow over.” Sure enough moments later the tree came crashing down! It fell probably about 8 feet in front of our feet and barely missed the two cars. The little car had to speed up and the truck slammed on his breaks to barely miss this giant oak. The iron fence was bent as easily as cutting through butter. Both lanes were covered by this old tree, and we rang the mansions intercom to alarm the elderly lady living there. With the fire department on their way, and everyone thankful to not be crushed, we decided to head North. 

After our near death experience, we drove to the Rhode Island’s capitol: Providence. We visited the capitol building which was very beautiful and placed on at least an acre of green lawn. The building is quite old, and the architecture is quite impressive.

It was much less windy in Providence, but definitely still chilly. We decided to head to a local coffee shop and try Rhode Island’s state drink: Coffee Milk. We chose Dave’s Coffee and were welcomed by the sweet aroma of caffeine and sugar. Apparently you can get Coffee Milk with a variety of milk and even blended with ice cream. As recommended by the locals, we chose our coffee milk with oat milk. The official drink of Rhode Island did not disappoint. We paired it with a delicious peanut butter and toasted fluff doughnut! 10/10 would recommend and/or eat again.

Dave’s Coffee Milk 

After an exciting morning we choose to have a relaxing evening. We found a nice park and cuddled up in Meredith to watch a movie. After recharging, we spent the evening exploring downtown Providence and trying some local brews. The beer wasn’t our favorite, but the people definitely made up for it! Rhode Island is one of the nations greatest hidden jewel. Massachusetts, you have your work cut out for you. And just like that we were Cape Cod bound! MA we are headed for you.

