
The Bay State

We made our departure towards Massachusetts after our time in the country’s smallest state, and we had a drive ahead of us. We traveled towards Cape Cod, MA-which for those who are not acquainted with MA, is the farthest east you can go in MA, on the tip of that curly pointy part of land that juts out of MA into the Atlantic.

It was windy! The sky was a beautiful pale blue without a cloud in the sky. We made the rounds to various lighthouses that littered the coasts of Cape Cod Bay, before settling down on the beach for a few moments to eat breakfast.

What a great idea, right? Let us cook a meal in the cold, east coast wind while sitting in the rough, coarse sand that gets everywhere… Perfect! It was actually much better than I anticipated, but it was very chilly and a little inconvenient to cook an egg scramble with no table.

While Mickey and I cuddled for warmth while gorging on a delicious egg scramble, we watched the waves wistfully as they crashed violently with the shore that had driftwood strewn across the sand. It was a beautiful and peaceful sight, and what a perfect moment it was. Owners and their dogs walked by cheerfully, an older couple walked the water hand-in-hand, an old lady walked up to the water completely naked.

Wait… What?

McKayla and I were taken aback in horror as a lady that looked to be in her 90s walked up to the water break, threw her towel to the wind-literally, and then jumped into the frigid abyss blissfully and began to bathe shoulder-deep in the saltwater. We could not help ourselves from laughing out loud before covering our eyes in horror. I mean, no offense, but what would you do in a situation like that? After her bath she wrapped up in her towel, waved to us with a smile on her face, and then happily hopped along off the beach. Good morning, Massachusetts.

After our free show on the beach, we headed north towards Boston. On the way, we passed through Dennis, MA, and sent our good friend Uncle Dennis, a postcard from his own town. Boston is home to beautiful scenery, terrible drivers, and annoying accents. The only thing more annoying than the accents were the slew of Patriots fans everywhere in sight. Boston is a gorgeous city.

Boston, Massachusetts

The Public Garden looked perfect in the 5 0’clock sunset that layered warm colors over red, orange and yellow trees that almost made them glow. McKayla was very excited to see the famous Make Way for The Ducklings! Statue. She thought they were very cute.

We also visited another snobby rich kid college here as well: Harvard. While we did not explore the campus this time, only the Arnold Arbortreum to get lost in the wonderful gardens that called this place home.

Arnold Arboretum 

It took us 2 hours and many expletives hurled at other drivers to find parking for this damn place. Boston, learn how to drive, PLEASE. Once the sun had set on the city that never sleeps learned how to drive, we visited a local restaurant to sample the world famous Boston Clam Chowder (CHOWDAH). We sat down and took in all the Bostonesque components that surrounded us. Sam Adams sludge lager was being served everywhere, the Patriots were on every tv set, and people talking way too loud and obnoxiously to be serious beset us on all sides. When our bread bowls overflowing with the clammy goodness was served, we could not have been more satisfied. It was perfect!

Clam Chowder

Whoever invented the bread bowl deserves a raise, it really is the most incredible use of bread in our time-thank you good sir/ma’am for discovering such a delicious device for our dinner. After our chowder and their bowls had been demolished, we decided to go see the entire city from the view of the Skywalk Observatory.

Boston Skywalk Observatory

The 50th floor that the Observatory called home let us see as far as a mile in all directions. What a view. A crystal clear night sky laid view to a bustling city that looked much more peaceful through a birds-eye view. We spent a few moments up there, just taking it all in. Once we had our fill, we journeyed our way back to Meredith so we could make our journey north to the city of Portland, Maine: The other Portland.

Boston at Night

God Bless!
